Everything DiSC® Essentials for Facilitators

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Everything DiSC® Essentials for Facilitators


Everything DiSC Essentials is designed to meet the needs of facilitators and other learners who want high-level education on using Everything DiSC in their organizations. This program is a self-directed, rich online-learning experienced that takes up to four hours to complete.

Through engaging online activities, you will develop a knowledge base that will enable you to:

  • use Everything DiSC profiles and their applications in the workplace

  • Understand how to respond to the most commonly asked questions about the DiSC model and Everything DiSC report interpretation.

  • Choose supplemental reports to enhance the DiSC experience.

  • Consider strategies for keeping DiSC alive in your organization.

    After your purchase this, you can start any Wednesday morning US Central Time, when you will receive a login invitation from the Everything DiSC Training Center. If you register on a Wednesday after 8 am CST, you can expect to be enrolled the following Wednesday. An option Kick-Off webinar will be offered weekly on Fridays at 10 am CST to anyone who would like a tour of the online Everything DiSC Training Center and an opportunity to ask questions in real time.

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